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RE: Did He, or Didn't He?

in #neoxian2 months ago

As much of a bubble as the stock market is in now, we actually could enter a major recession soon if this bubble pops. And you can be sure Trump will just try to keep the bubble going to enrich his friends, so when it finally pops, it won't be pretty. Would it be as bad as the Great Depression? I suppose a lot of that depends on how our fearless leaders react to it. Bad policy and bad attempts to fix the situation were a big factor in making it much much worse last time.


But anyway, you're absolutely right that things aren't currently as bad as they were then. They are actually quite good. The economy objectively improved a lot under Biden. But stats and real data are meaningless—what matters is how people feel, and with Fox News screaming about how the economy is worse now that at any time in US history, the propaganda is having an effect and people feel like things are pretty terrible, like Great Depression terrible. Perception is everything. So while the two situations are not the same, they are exactly the same in some ways.