My last post here in neoxian or using this tag EVER

in #neoxian3 years ago (edited)


I tried to really think about writing and how I should even navigate this post because at times we often let our emotions get the best of us, but here I'll just speak from my heart as everything that transpired here in the last 30minutes before the start of this post.

So this morning or should I say last night I accidentally fell asleep as I was still on my laptop which lead up to me waking up just a little before this post looking for "power"(in game leveling metric/conditions) on splinterlands so that I can finish the season in diamond for end of season so I wrote a message into the chat which kitkat was nice to reply no. Even no as an answer I really value and respect that comment (honestly) because then it at least showed that she had acknowledged my concerns. I ended up able to use @peakmonsters and their auto rental feature to get about 200k+ in power in a short time I just had to significantly increase my bid to around 45-50cp/dec vs last season was about to get it for 70-80 dec within 12 hours left.


So near the end I was not able to reach my goal and was just shy a couple thousand from the target but peakmonsters system really helps for this last minute hunt but although I notice there are a lot of market delays and I noticed there were still quite a bit of cards on market absorbed or available even though I was the highest bid for the levels at times. I'm not really a technical expert or sure how all of this works, but I'm happy to have experienced this earlier rather than later.

aaa elitest ego.PNG
So let's talk about my last statement which lead to him deciding to react in such a childish/egotistical manner.


To be honest I'm not sure if I would have dropped it but my internal feelings feels like I would have dropped it after that last statement as I am thinking through the whole process right now trying to be unbiased as possible. The 3k dec for 30k power seemed to be a bit of an exaggeration or maybe I saw the dec loss cause of days rented not so sure, but still it is about the principles.

aaa elitest ego 2.PNG

So in life we have to choose what we believe in and stand for at times but I just will never support an individual who reacts/responds in such a childish manner. There was never a warning or hey don't do that as I typically am rather thoughtful as to not spam or try to consider it from the other person's perspective or at least to the best of my ability.

The moral is treat people like how you want to be treated and it doesn't matter who you are or what your status is in the community, but you should always try to put your best foot forward ESPECIALLY if you are a leader in the community. @neoxian (aka "Mr. Dragon)


On a lighter note not sure who @logicforce (if that is you thank you for the thought) is as I just saw this after the fact and it may have been too late or I already rented the overpriced cards above(didn't see it reflected in power also?) but I'm sure he is within that community so thank you for your kindness. This act shows that even in communities where they are lead by poor leadership there are quality individuals of all sorts.


This post I hope can enlighten some of you guys who are in a leadership position to act and think what type of leader you are within your communities. We should always question ourselves and what we believe as right or wrong and NEVER be afraid to speak up against the things/people/communities we do not believe in. If you feel that the community you are in doesn't uphold or align with your values there are hundreds if not thousands of different communities around hive which may.

As I think about things as I write this topic should I never write in neoxian community? Or should I write and post my thoughts using all available tags that I know and just sell/trade it away. Will I be kicked out of this blog community as well do to childish behaviors? I can say for sure any neoxag I get despite it can possibly go up in price I will be selling or converting to hive, pizza, or really any other type of "crypto" in which I support a lot more.

Well I don't want this to drag out too long, but wanted to just write about this in an unbiased way as possible while all of these thoughts/feelings are still fresh for me to analyze and look into. Also I wasn't sure whether to tag him or not, but if you are talking about someone I only find it fair to do it to their "face" so at least they can give their own thoughts and comments into the matter as clearly he isn't grown up enough about it to discuss it like an adult. (Sure this last statement may appear as a bit condescending, but after all I'm just a "crybaby")

There I decided to donate all of this post to Hive Fund as well because I don't need anything from anyone, just wanted to make awareness on this topic. And even out of the most negative of situations or encounters with an individual there can be positives from it. Any communities or places this type of post is better fit into just let me know.

Never be afraid to speak out and against the things you believe in just make sure you are being thoughtful about your messages/post.

(>'')> Be the leader you wish you had, and never stop learning/growing as an individual <(''<)

Please spare your 100% unless it doesn't add much $ as it will just be zeroed due to this so it isn't like the hivefund will receive anything from this post anyways. But if you support just do 1% is more than enough thanks I rather resources be put to wayyy better use.
HUGEEE DISCLAIMER: I was made aware by a random community member so please be aware that by upvoting you may risk getting put on a downvote trail from a certain individual I've been made aware of this by some people so I want everyone to know what they are getting themselves into
Enorme descargo de responsabilidad
Un miembro de la comunidad al azar me lo hizo saber, así que tenga en cuenta que al aumentar la votación puede arriesgarse a que una determinada persona me haya dado cuenta de esto, así que quiero que todos sepan en qué se están metiendo.


I wrote a message into the chat which kitkat was nice to reply no.

Honestly, I didn't see your message where you asked for some help. Sometimes when i type i overlook some chat. This is why most of the time I miss giveaways too. Anyways, If you needed any urgent help you could have asked me in DM? But leaving guild by saying that we didn't help is not right. Good luck somewhere else.

Oh lol I thought that you said no to not having it which to me is okay cause at least it showed acknowledgment of the circumstances. Guess that no was directed at something else then not like I can scroll up to see context now.

Also yeah I'm sure messages and things can always be overlooked that is why I try to be considerate about even posting or when I repost. Also for me it isn't so much as the help or lack of, but in my opinion guilds are suppose to be there for one another and it wasn't as if I was trying to make a gain or win in anyway as all my actions people will realize one day is all about win-win.

Also in a way it was also for me to test a group or the community I was currently in (not saying that it is right or wrong to do so, but at times I've often asked myself what really matters or doesn't matter)

I also left the guild because it was over an hour into it that it occurred and multiple messages were overlooked also that is also why I decided to showcase whoever that logic individual is and show my gratitude and all aspects of the situation not just one to fit my context.

You seem like a great individual so I'm down to get to know you or understand outside of that group if ever have the chance or situation comes up to, but I do not agree nor support "Mr. Dragon" or neoxian's reaction and actions in this situation.

Thanks for the good luck and I wish you the best of luck on your journies as well.


Haha don't know what's going on here nor really want to get involved ... but I kinda just wanna vote it just to see if whoever it is tries bullying me and peakd/peakmonsters.

Lol You have no idea how much you made my day even if in the end of the day this is just a little experiment.. I really don't know what to do as I'm not going to stand for this, but at the same time can't possibly ask someone else to knowing what may happen...

But see that is the funny thing about some people who has leverage and power, they will choose and pick their fights wisely, but either way thank you it put a smile on my face.



As I've got to know you, I see you are trying to spread positive energy and help others. I know it's never easy to convey sentiment by pecking at a screen or keyboard. I hope this situation is able to be resolved, or at least... for every to agree to disagree... and come out as friends...

!LUV !WINE @tipu curate !giphy One Love

Thank you so much for those kind words and all you have done to help me on understanding and growing in this space. I have learned from the previous situations to try to go about things as calmly and rational as possible.

People will see in more time what I am really about as more and more plans and situations roll out <3

In this world where I feel people where many different "hats" or "mask" I am just trying to figure out who I truly am in the process and chaos of all things. I believe people should be held accountable and aware of their actions and the effects they can have on people. And especially have a firm belief that power/status should never be used/abused in such a manner of disrespect towards any individuals.


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Sometimes our writings in chat leave a breakdown in communications. I hope for a resolution and a good outcome for everyone on this!

Yeah thanks for the comment and what you've done to help me navigate this space. Yeah I agree sometimes there can be a breakdown in chat hence why I just decided to post my perspective and my truth to see.

I don't believe any level of power/status you have in a community allows you to treat people in such a manner and often times people maybe too afraid to speak up and out against such things due to the negative ramifications that follow, but for me as I continually tell people and people will see one day I'm not fighting for pixels, but a legacy so I'll always stand up for the things I believe in.

One of the things that I have learned in my lifetime is -

chat and text is very very subjective. Sometimes we think we have explained something really clearly - and in the end - we just haven't. We are talking too fast, or emotional, or - OTHER people are reading too fast - and also emotional, and communication breaks down quickly

Then we react too fast to that, and our mind goes to a very defensive place, and also becomes paranoid, and sensitivities become raw.

I honestly don't know enough about splinterlands to know what happened, but I do know 1. its a game 2 there is money involved and 3 there is a competitive pressure to stay on top of things and grow.

Combining all those things with a team (guild) where communication is apparently needed to thrive, is tricky business. I read some of the comments below - and you can see - they've explained themselves, they showed where the miscommunication happened - and now you've had a chance to respond.

It's sad that you left the guild if there are people there who really are willing to help. Sometimes its best to take the loss, take a day off, breathe a bit, try to gain some perspective, give time for people to respond, and then consider what's best for you. you know? I wonder if you just reacted too quickly given the circumstances?

But - all in all, you have to go where you feel comfortable. And if you feel that there is a better place for you - go there! If you want to mend fences - try to communicate with the leaders there and see if you can hash it out.

Whatever you do, seek peace. Even if the peace is just in yourself. Have peace going forward, and always take a break, take a breath (or two) and move forward when you're calm.

Hope you have a great day today - and don't let the outside world negate the peace in your inside world


Yeah that is true texts can be rather subjective at times that's why when writing this post I had to reread it several times over and figure out my frame of reference.

Yeah my frustration is how neoxian (aka Mr. Dragon) responded to me in 2 parts both removal in chat cause I left his guild and made that post and his need to refer to me as a "crybaby" or to "xxxx off" in a later post. Regardless of your position and stature you shouldn't put people down in such a way especially when it isn't properly warranted.

Yeah your right that is why in all facets of my life I always try to find or create win-win situations or at anytime a win-win-win hence me just renting it at whatever prices near the end as I value my time greatly and I could have just as easily and more than willing to have given a guildmate all of that overpay vs a random stranger.

Yeah a guild is all about proper communication and teamwork or at least in my opinion if not I would just attack the game solo lol. That is why I made the executive decision and where the follow up post I put in this picture. Which he then instantly responded with a kick out of chatroom (not guild related as it is 2 different boards) and when i pmed him for clarity as seen above that was yet again his response to me.

Many times people maybe afraid to speak out due to who they are speaking out against, but for me I have nothing to lose here and even if I did, I'm the type of individual to fight for my beliefs even if at times its against all odds. Without those principles and beliefs who are we really?

For me it isn't about the help, but how I was mistreated and abused in the aftermath. Also that personal community just isn't for me but I have nothing wrong with them as a collective or group of individuals just in how an individual chose to respond and treat me in the process. Also I can just as easily be contacted through pm or element which btw none have done so but 2 have responded here, not that it is their obligation or need to even respond as it in whole isn't on them.

I already moved forward as that situation lead to several guild's asking me lol but I had already made a promise to another that I am following through on now. <3 I agree so much with you as if one place didn't appreciate or acknowledge you the world is so vast and you can always find somewhere/one that will accept you for who you are in it's entirety who won't mistreat or abuse you.

Thanks I'm always actually challenging and questioning my ideals of peace and what it is I want out of life as that is very important to me at my core. I'm just making sure that situations like this I can shine light and awareness on that no matter who you are, your position of power, or think you are you should never treat someone in such a manner.

Yeah it is actually quite good of a day as I'm feeling the vibes of some of the messages and support I'm getting as apparently this isn't the first time this has happened. I'm just not someone that will drown out my own beliefs because I may face adversity along the way.


I think that's what is most important.

connecting with people on the same journey as you.
and realizing that others are on a much different journey.

not letting their journey hurt yours.

I'm actually writing my post about that now hehehe... i'll tag you in the comment section or send you a DM when its done hehe

yeah for sure I'd love to read about that tag/dm are both fine

I could not agree more... this world is way too big of a place to allow other peoples journey's to hurt that of our own. I've already found another guild that seems to give me a rather good vibe as I've already have rather deep connections/talks with some of the members already and it was rather heartwarming to receive several invites to join other guilds in this process.

I just think at times awareness is important and when someone wrongs someone else they should be held accountable to their words or at least apologize for it, but we will see what comes from all of this. Thanks I really appreciate all the effort you put in your comments also never feel obliged to respond as that is sometimes a stress I find myself in as well. I don't really know too much about you as we've only recently met but I can get a feeling and understanding through the posts/comments you've already made not only on my personal posts/dm's but the outreach you continually do in support of the community at large.
<(''<) (^''^) (>'')> YOU ARE AMAZING!!! <(''<) (^''^) (>'')>

Seriously, you guys are talking about a game right?

World's gone completely mental, thank god I'm getting old but someone needs to get out more!

Yeah this all started in regards to me leaving a guild in a game, but the issue is far beyond gaming as it goes to the abuse and mistreatment of individuals.

It is crazy to also see that relentless efforts and energy could be completely neutralized with the whim of one individuals actions. I was at around 50+ not sure what it is called here but i suppose it is tied to reputation, but after 1 widespread dislike it can neutralize it all, but for me luckily it isn't about the pixels so I will continue my process.

Yeah I had to take a step back to gather my thoughts and recollect my feelings so I'm not acting on those, but this is literally a clear case of cyber bullying and 1 individual throwing their weight around unjustifiably.

I just remember being taken out from a guild I was invited to in my beginnings in the game. I guess the reason was that there were other players that the master of the guild wanted to add in (friends/ better game power or maybe just contributing with more decs) and given that there are limited places in a guild...he took this decision. I didn't really get a reason for that. However, the guild I was in wasn't that talkative and friendly with the other members, but more of a pragmatic, I don't really hold any grudges, I have just made some sort of experience in a guild. Also, I am not that sure if it is worth being in a guild, given the resources involved. But I don't know too much about it. So, don't take it too seriously I would say, and hope your future in-game experiences would be better.

Thank you for taking your time to share with me your experience. Oh this post was more so how this individual chose to treat me in a poor manner after me deciding to leave his guild. My last post was put on here and that is when he responded with a kick out of the chatroom platform with no messages, no warnings, and no discussions but just deciding to call me a crybaby and when pmed he just told me to **** off. Also as if things weren't worse enough he chose to then swing his votes around and downvote a ton of my posts dragging my rep and work down from 50something to 0 in a matter of a seconds. That and also kicked me from the front end of his site even though my posts are all relevant, well there goes the idea of decentralized and freedom of speech, but I guess those ideals don't matter to him. But enough about negative things this was just my rant post and me wanting to shine a light on the individual for his childish ways.

There are many real benefits of joining a guild and not all of them require a fee. One of my favorite ones is networking and just being able to build a bond with members of the community. But lets say that most guilds aren't active which is the truth unfortunately, there is still a lot of benefits like increase in dec earnings and ability to brawl to earn merits (if they have arena and store) which will allow you to by gladius packs which will give you brawl only cards you can use to add power.

@kingtaco @quizzlescoop you may want to consider looking into this member to see if you guys want to give each other a chance in guild? Someone who is willing to take the time out of their day to put a decent sized message maybe someone with the efforts you want to have in a guild.


Don't get dishearted you can try your luck somewhere else

Oh thanks for your kind words. I am far from disheartened. For me it isn't much about the reward metrics here, but branding and just figuring out ways to grow/evolve myself by expanding my knowledge and challenging myself.

oh, so Neoxian is a guild among other things. I was always wondering what it is :)

Yuhp he is a category or tag here as well as has his own crypto neoxag which I plan to never hold and will keep selling out to other projects I support and believe more in on a fundamental principle.

He is also a leader of a guild in splinterlands and he started his childish/abusive behaviors after I decided to leave the guild.

Neoxian (aka Mr. Dragon known in himself though is a person/account name (one of many in this ecosystem)

This is the post i made after you left the guild, you didnt have a chance to see it.

"I have zero card to spare you, I have just nice the amt required. But if u feel sad about the guild not able to help you, den next time maybe you can consider

  1. Asking earlier, I alrdy delegate about 300k cp for free already.
  2. Actually is it really that worth it just for that 10 extra chest or so? What is the expected value?
  3. Rent early"

Yeah I left the guild after an hour of posting (not spamming) my concerns and progress with little to any reaction until AFTER I left the guild.

Also I appreciate the answer now I suppose... I'm more "sad" although frustrated is probably a more appropriate term for my feelings now as I literally asked about an hour on various occasions and even ended it with a comment I felt was more than justified and he chose to just kick me out after that calling me a crybaby?

It is okay I tried an hour with no response as I'm okay with the answer no, but a lack of an answer or response until everything is all said and done and this message was posted... I mean you or people could have pmed me even after stating that statement?

Anyways sorry I have no resentment or hard-feelings towards anyone in the guild outside of completely disagreeing with how neoxian (aka Mr. Dragon) dealt with this situation.

It isn't about the chest but my value in time regrinding hence why i was willing to overpay. I wasn't trying to take advantage of anyone and rather have kept that amount or overpay within the guild. So to me it is a matter of principle and being acknowledged

Also as stated by some fluke I passed out earlier last night WHILE on my laptop probably due to the exhaustion from hivefest and having some intense conversations, but an hour of being ignored and seeing the results and his actions/comments was the pushing point and even then it wasn't as if I just repeated spammed the chats.

Oh trust me I do plan on renting earlier as that is my normal plan as you can see from my rental comment

Well, I did read the message and you did just pop out and people are focusing on increasing their rating and ranking. I wont be surprised that your message was not read, overall you tend to have a sea of text.

Anyway good luck in finding your next guild.

Np thank you for taking your time to reach out and respond. Yeah I tried to be considerate of that fact and even waited and did many proactive things in the background. I have zero issues or negativity towards the guild as a whole just isn't for me personally so I decided to leave.

This is more directed at how I was treated by neoxian (aka Mr. Dragon) as my last message that lead to me being kicked out to the group chat was posted in here. I'm the type of individual who is passionate and stand up for my beliefs and fight for the things/ideals to be right.

No amount of authority/power should let you treat someone in such a manner.
Thanks for the good luck I have some guilds lined up that I will prospecting here in a bit. Gl on your splinterlands and crypto journey.

That explains your mood earlier at the terminal, sometimes things happen that we can't control, and at times like those it's best to just try and move on.

One thing we shouldn't forget is that these guys running these groups are just like you and I, humans who are far from perfect so once in a while we are allowed to overreact is clearly what lead to this situation but like my father used to say "what's done is done" now it's left for you to decide if you want to move on and put it all behind you for your peace or be the bigger man and take the first step by reaching out for a better resolution to the issue ✌

Whatever choice you make just make sure it's the best one for you and stay postive, always.

So he offended me when I didn't do anything wrong and now in one vote he literally wiped out dozens of peoples efforts towards hive fund? Sorry this only just empowers me more to continue to make post and bring awareness as this is completely bogus that someone can do such things within the community.

Thank you for your ray of sunshine I really need it now as it feels like I'm up against a titan, but luckily david defeated goliath in the bible, but not sure it will work out so well within this ecosystem as power is heavily weighted, but I'll continue to stand up for what I believe in and never stop.

Crazy that this happened like that.

Yeah I don't believe people should be treated in such a manner so I like to bring awareness to things that matter. Oh well people will see the type of individual they lost out on through the process.

This seems like the worst result of a series of miscommunications. Hope you guys all get things worked out without any bad blood.

There is no bad blood between me and the guild members as individuals at least not in regards from me to them, but I can't speak for others. It is pretty hard to misinterpret his verbal abuse and the way he treated me...

After reading the comments, I'm glad that many members where offering to help. And sadly, because of some miscommunication/ timing near the end of season, lead to such unfortunate ending.
I know you're awesome and hope you'll find a better guild where you'll feel more comfortable!
PS: Thank you for the giveaway!

I don't find it unfortunate at all sometimes when one door is shut in your face dozens of doors you wouldn't have expected shows up and through it comes a whole new horizons of opportunities and relationships. Yeah this post isn't really about miscommunication but the abuse of Neoxian (aka Mr. Dragon) felt was okay. I had to take a step back from things, but it just made me realize that the decisions I have made I still believe in. I've just decided to compartmentalize it for the time being so I can destress and focus on #dygycon6 and more proactive things.

I had to take a step back from things, but it just made me realize that the decisions I have made I still believe in

If you believe in what you did, that means you're in the right path and moving on was your best choice!

Hope I can find the to take part in #dygycon6 and Good luck! :D

Different people choose to take stands and voice their opinions in the wrong ways and although quite subjective at times that is their decisions to bear. Yes, I do believe I made the right decisions at least right for me, but what I didn't deserve was to be verbally abused by him and to follow that he chose to literally neg everything out due to his personal ego being challenged? (I'm not sure I can only assume here based off the series of events and how he has responded to the matter) Well anyways probably best for me to focus my energies elsewhere on more productive/proactive things atm vs something so draining.

Yeah sounds good I think I saw you for a brief moment while I was in a rather deep conversation with someone. Anyways enjoy the events i'm sure I'll run into you there if you decide to attend

Incidents may happen between members but it's an entire different matter when it envolves a head of a big community, having the "power" doesn't allow for abuses via private chat or banning because he "didn't like you". You're awesome man and hoping for the best for you!


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I have only 1 thing to say... and I'm not even going to say it. I'm going to let John C Maxwell do the speaking. I heard John share this live and it has stuck with me years afterwards.

Interesting perspective as I literally watched this video at 2x speed. I would even take this a step up or sideways so to speak in that not only should we think about the idea of a "leadership lid" but we should consider that some of the greatest leaders in history especially in biblical times even like Jesus chose to follow individuals to live in the eyes of those who others would considered to be "beneath" him

I think that is why other laws or theories exist just like that of the 33% in which you should try to make sure your circle of influence contains someone "above you," "on your same level," and "below you" just so you can view things from many perspective points and you can learn from any individual.

Even if the thing you learn sometimes is what NOT to do or how NOT to behave lol🤣
I appreciate these plugs of content especially if it is in shorter or precise terms cause then it allows me to absorb quality information that others find useful and figure out how they apply and mean in my own personal life.