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RE: Playtime! A Lost Art in Education?

in #neoxian5 years ago (edited)

There’s so much truth here. While I don’t think the rules and parenting methods were quite so perfect when you and I were children (and I think in some ways parenting has really improved overall), kids do need play, and they need all of those great opportunities you described for learning to negotiate, share and control tempers. I love the pairings you described around the very needed activities of childhood and how those impact a person’s mental health and ability to cope with the challenges life sends our way!


Thanks for that great comment. Yes, there've been improvements, just in the amount of knowledge that has been learned - and the world is certainly a different place now. I used to walk 6 blocks home from school by myself at 6 years old - can you imagine letting your child do that today? But there has to be some kind of compromise to let them learn some things through experience.

Totally agree. Yes, same here, regarding early independence. We walked to school and back. And I actually walked about a mile and a half to my ballet class when I was little, and I had to cross a busy street with no crosswalk. Can you believe it? And that’s after I was hit by a truck and nearly died at the age of 2!

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OMG you were hit by a truck and almost died?? You're very lucky to have survived that at 2! I'm so glad you're okay.

That’s much nicer than what my friends usually say, which is “that explains a lot!” 😆

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