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RE: No formatting post as the move from hell continues.

in #neoxian6 years ago

I feel your pain. If it makes you feel any better im going through a move of hell myself. I'm waiting on a European long term stay visa in which I had to give up my passport to get. I was told that the process could take "up to 30 business days." We told my wifes parents that we would only be living with them for about a week as we planned to move May 13th. We are now on business day 62 and 2.5 months with my in laws. The consolate wont give us any info at all on how long the process will take or answer any of our questions. Worst experience ive ever gone through. So I totally empathize with your moving struggles. I hope things get better for both of us soon.
Good luck!!


Oh man, yeah it sounds like yours is a bit more stressful. Sending positive vibes that everything goes smoothly after the red tape is clear.

No red tape here!
You block me forever from pal
so I flag u forever!
no more no less!
this aint stress
this is how i relax!

leaky20 u gun be leaking soon!

Why you downvoting me?
I dont know what issues you're having with others but I did nothing to you.

Posted using Partiko Android

He'll tell ya all about it, i'm sure?

This is a war dude!
You were just caught in the middle, that's all!
It is the same thing as not walking alone home through a dark alleyway!

He's fricken' Evil Bro!
He musta've rubbed off on ya too!
Gotta accept the consequences for taking risks!
Common Sense should tell ya why!
What are you an Ostridge with your head stuck in the sand?
Where u been?
oh yeah they greyed me out so you never read about it!
do your research to find out!
This is my New Steem Now Boy!
There's nothing else I can do!
Until he moves!
NEXT!Just go ask @swelkwe101! On steemit @swelker101's blog is a dark alleyway!