My room is messy, and that's okay. It's a reflection of my current state, where comfort takes precedence over perfection. I embrace the chaos because it's part of my reality.)
Accompanied by a cup of coffee and fried fermented cassava, I stay up late. I often struggle to fall asleep because I push my bedtime too far, getting caught in the late-night hours. The routine keeps me awake, but I find it hard to break free from it.
Life isn’t as easy as my fantasy, but it goes on. I’ve changed my mindset and habits, and things are slightly better. Still, it's far from ideal—I don’t have savings yet, sometimes struggle with enough food, and haven’t cleared all my debts. But I keep pushing forward, hoping for progress.
Sometimes I wonder how God works or why God lets me do everything. It's okay, though—God knows all, even if I don’t. For now, I keep everything within me, trusting that it will make better everything in the future.