Music: Dance Gavin Dance - Me And Zoloft Get Along Just Fine

in #neoxian2 months ago
Dance Gavin DanceMe And Zoloft Get Along Just Fine

This song holds a place in my heart based on it's lyricism alone!

The initial lyrics alone are deep and intense and expressive of many of the struggles we all go through.

"Ask me; 'I'm fine' or I will be...
I've got a bullet proof vest on and a cure for AIDS and a pill that makes me happy."

The words "Ask me; I'm fine, or I will be..." hit home with me. Anyone who's struggled with depression knows this. We tell people we're fine, but we're not, but we will be. Our darkest moments hang heavy in the moment, but we hide them. We come around and we manage and we function still, and we do better once the dark moments have passed.

The next line that sticks with me is this one:

"You should have just listened to your friends.
You would have been over this by now.
I thought we told each other to live in different worlds."

This is generally true. Friends look out for you. However, it's in our nature to be stubborn and deny help/assistance. If you do listen to your friends, the ones that truly care, it helps you get past things far more easily. A solid lyric in a solid song!

Hope you enjoy this song as much as I do!
Happy New Year to everyone as well! :)