
I saw some of the other contestants. In my opinion, she wasn't the most beautiful by any means so yeah, she only won because she had a dick. Anyways , if you as a woman don't care, I won't for sure. I'll just laugh everytime this blows in your face 😂

What exactly is "unfair" about this? It's not like in sports where women with a transgender history may arguably have an advantage over women without a transgender history. It is a beauty contest and I do think she is pretty and she has the looks of a woman.

 2 years ago (edited) 

pretty and she has the looks of a woman.

Be careful there. Sounds like you don't consider her as a real woman 😭

Didn't you hear about androgynous looks? For instance, Tilda Swinton is a great real beautiful woman and actrice but her looks are androgynous and she could easily have the looks of a man. Does that make her less woman? No need to send me the Freudian slip, I already know about that, lol. This is just my opinion on this topic, my interest is not to annoy you or something. Best!

It's unfair because the only reason she won was exactly because she had a dick. Not because she was the most beautiful or whatever. If you don't get it, I give up.

Did you see the contest and the tests they had to pass to become Miss NEtherlands in order to suggest that? Because I didn't and I can't say it is unfair at least for this reason.