Karomah Al Habib Hasan Bin Sholeh Al Bahar
Among the most famous auliya of his time was al-Habib Hasan bin Sholeh al-Bahr al-Jufri. When he died, thousands of mourners came to shrine. Then came a mountain (Bedouin), seeing so many Bedouin people asked someone beside him: "Whose Wali Allah is who died this O my brother?"
The person next to him was numb, irritated, and there were others who did not know al-Habib Hasan bin Sholeh al-Bahr. So curtly he replied: "Wali? Guardian? Is this the dead prophet knows? "
Thus, among his promises is: "Whoever sanctifies my body then Allah will forbid his body to be burned by fire of hell."
One day there was someone who was about to go shopping for meat in the market and he saw the body of al-Habib Hasan al-Bahr being chastened. So he followed the janazah prayer. The meat he bought was put into the pocket of his robe.
Upon returning home, the meat he ordered his wife to cook in the kitchen. But until long cooked, the meat was still raw and did not want to ripen exactly as he had bought before.
Feeling astonished, he finally returned the meat to the market and to the seller he asked: "What meat do you sell to me? All day my wife cooked it but did not want to cook well. "
"Ordinary meat goat," the butcher replied. "But after you came here, did you go home and cook it?"
"No, I stopped to join the body of al-Habib Hasan al-Bahr al-Jufri," he replied.
So the butcher said, "That's the problem. Do not you know that al-Habib Hasan al-Bahr promised that whoever sanctifies his body then the flesh is forbidden by fire of hell? As for the meat of your goats you have put his body in order, the fires of any world will not be able to ripen them.