Menu breaking fast

in #neoxianfan7 years ago (edited)

When fasting, from dawn until maghrib do not eat and drink.Breaking the fast is better with drinks and sweet foods.After drinking a glass of appetizer and eating a piece of cake followed by eating rice.
On this day I chose the menu "sayur asem" with "sambal terasi"

aside from that tempe goreng, fried fish balado and fish asam keu'eng as a complement to today's tastes.


also we enjoy fried chicken that kriuk-kriuk.


this is a simple menu today.
Congratulations to perform fasting for Muslims.


Kuah gulee rampoe....



Dan adiknya ganteng banget. Sudah puasa penuh?

Terimakasih sudah menggunakan tag #ramadan-tkf

Ditunggu postingan berikutnya, segala yang berkaitan dengan Ramadhan 😊

Salam hangat dari Kanada,

Kalau saat berpuasa cocok sayur dengan sambal terasinya untuk menambah selera makan. Insya Allah sudah tiga hari puasanya full @thekitchenfairy

Yum yum! Looks most kewl! Hope you enjoyed! :D