It is narrated from some Companions r.a that he said: Whoever can not impose 8 things, then he must impose 8 other things, in order to get the virtue:
- Whoever wants the virtue of night prayer, while he sleeps, then do not berpaksiatiang day.
- Whoever wants to get the virtue of fasting sunnah, while he is not fasting, then keep his tongue.
- Whoever wants to get the primacy of the ulama, then perbanyaklah tafakkur.
- Whoever wants to get the virtue of the mujahidin, while he dwells in his house, then oppose syaithon (fight against lust).
- Whoever wants to get the virtue of alms, while he can not afford, then disseminate knowledge that he knows to people.
- Whoever wants to get the virtue of Hajj while he can not afford, then multiply worship on Friday.
- Whoever wants to gain the virtue of the worshipist, then do good to all humans, and do not spread hatred and hostility towards them.
- Whoever wants to gain the virtue of the abdal guardian, put his hand on his chest (armchair), and willingly for his brother as he is willing of him.