in #neoxiano3 years ago

Hola!! soy @alsiferro20217 y soy miembro del clan #fallenangels2, y recientemente participé en mi primera BRAWL , y perdí en mis 4 batallas... sin embargo ha sido una gran experiencia y tuve la oportunidad de conocer una nueva habilidad llamada "sed de sangre" y una astilla llamada "Gladius", la cual es exclusiva para los combatientes entre clanes. Dos de mis oponentes utilizaron tarjetas con "sed de sangre" y me destrozaron!! Pero, ayer participé en mi segunda jornada de BRAWL, y de 6 batallas pude vencer en 3 y ninguno utilizó la "sed de sangre". Estoy cada día aprendiendo más, ahora se, que los méritos que me voy ganando, se me acumulan en mi billetera virtual dentro de la tienda de clanes, y cuando reuna mis primeros 2000 méritos (monedas), podré comprar mi primer paquete de cartas GLADIUS... espero recibir buenas cartas que me ayuden a seguir ganando batallas!!! Este post lo escribo principalmente para aquellos quienes aún no se animan a participar en las BRAWLS , incluso para quienes no son parte de un clan para que se animen. Yo no tenía ni idea de como era participar. Pensé que era algo en vivo, que tendría que estar batallando seguido todos mis compromisos, y de hecho, las realicé apuradito, rápido, pensando que tenía límite de tiempo... pero, después me di cuenta que tenía hasta 2 días para ir combatiendo con calma... en parte se lo debo a mis compañeros del clan , ya que les pregunté, les pedí que me orientaran, pero ellos me decían: "tranquilo, es sencillo, es obvio, allí tu mismo lo verás..." bueno, y en parte tenían razón, y ha sido una buena experiencia... a medida que siga aprendiendo les seguiré contando. Nos vemos!

GLADIADORES EN LA ARENA -  EDITADO.jpegHello!! I'm @alsiferro20217 and I'm a member of the #fallenangels2 clan, and recently I participated in my first BRAWL, and I lost in all 4 of my battles... however it has been a great experience and I had the opportunity to learn a new skill called "bloodlust" and a splinter called "Gladius", which is exclusive to GvG. Two of my opponents used "bloodlust" cards and tore me apart!! But, yesterday I participated in my second day of BRAWL, and out of 6 battles I was able to win 3 and none used the "bloodlust". I am learning more every day, now I know that the merits that I am earning accumulate in my virtual wallet inside the clan store, and when I collect my first 2000 merits (coins), I can buy my first pack of GLADIUS cards ... I hope to receive good letters that help me to continue winning battles!!! I write this post mainly for those who are not yet encouraged to participate in the BRAWLS, even for those who are not part of a clan to encourage them. I had no idea what it was like to participate. I thought it was something live, that I would have to be battling all my commitments, and in fact, I did them in a hurry, quickly, thinking that I had a time limit... but then I realized that I had up to 2 days to fight Calmly... I partly owe it to my clan mates, since I asked them, I asked them to guide me, but they told me: "don't worry, it's simple, it's obvious, you'll see it yourself there..." well, and they were partly right, and it has been a good experience... as I continue to learn, I will keep telling you about it. See you!