Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi is visiting Nepal for two days (11 - 12 May).It is the third visit of Modi as a prime minister. Government of Nepal hopes to strengthen the bilateral relationship during this visit but the people of Nepal are not happy to welcome Modi and they are demanding for apology from Mr. Modi .
Social networking sites are filled with negative statement towards the visit.The main reason behind the peoples anger is the blockade which happened three years back while Nepal was suffering from massive earthquake. Indian Government blocked the border between India and Nepal for almost six months.Due to this blockade Nepal face many problems in addition to the problem of earthquake.Therefore people of Nepal are not satisfied with the visit of Modi (PM of India during blockade). People are demanding apology for blockade from Mr. Modi and they had started posting, tweeting on social sites by saying #SaySorryMrModi #BlockadeWasCrimeMrModi and is trending.
Here are some pictures that shows how people faced problem during blockade.
Image Source: Social sites and National Daily
सुपरस्टीम इंडिया आपकी इस पोस्ट को रेण्डम तरीके से अपवोट कर रहे है और फॉलो भी करते है।
आइये कोरिया, इटली और रशिया की तरह स्टीमइट पर भारतीयों की कम्युनिटीको मज़बूत करे।
इस के लिए आप सुपरस्टिम इंडिया को फॉलो करे और हमारे रिस्टीम किये हर पोस्ट को अवश्य लाइक करे.