Save Nepal Valley :

in #nepal7 years ago


Save Nepal Valley :
Dear political parties and those who pretended to love this community,

Next time you come in our homes during
an election, please don't come along with Newari Jhakis and Dhime bajas.

Next time you are invited to any mass events don't even dare to speak about richness of this community and culture and try to flatter people with your sugary words.

Next time you want some vote or such for your personal benefit, don't pretend to like this community by wearing its cultural dress and posing around the monuments carved with their hands.

Next time you organize a INGO meetings or international events don't include cultural dance of this community to entertain people.

Because, If if you just accept the benefits of this community and you choose to remain silent during their houses are being torn apart then you by default become the biggest hyppocrite of all.

This message is strictly to those of you who choose took the perk of the community for self benefit and remained silent during this necessary time.

Their old mothers who cried with pain will haunt your soul. Those families who lost their homes will curse you. Those voices of people will echo around you with curseful noises. And this will not be forgotten.

Source: RONB