...and I wouldn't have it any other way.

A friend shared this on Facebook, and I figured you all would enjoy it as well. I learn so much from you. Thanks for being nerds. It's amazing how quickly things change. The nerds went from a marginalized, ridiculed group of outcasts to dominating our world.
If you haven't yet seen Vinay Gupta's The Promise of the Blockchain lecture, I highly recommend it. The myths of nerds shape our reality.
you can support on Patreon here. I'll send them a tweet to see if they'd like the liquid rewards this post may reward.This comic is copyright http://www.lunarbaboon.com/ who
Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, voluntaryist, and blockchain enthusiast. He wants to help create a world we all want to live in.
hahaha that comic is genius! And so true. Why should you make fun of people who are smart, of course you should learn from them !
And geeks, let's not forget those! :)
Imagine the group of nerds who created the blockchain. :)

Great little comic! :)
From...fellow nerd.
I’m currently working on a really nerdy game for Steemit. I´ll measure the lvl of nerdiness by it when it comes out right after my exams :P.
Sounds fun!
I love the Lunarbaboon comics. I wonder if we can get more comic artists on here
I hope so. I figure their stuff gets shared on social media platforms every day and they don't get anything for it other than increased brand awareness. If they get onboard with the Steemit model, we could see a huge increase in high-quality professional content here. Then people will start complaining about rewards just going to the pros. Hahah.
Haha. Revel in the nerdiness.. From the eternal nerd and loremaster!
It sure is full of nerds! Nerds in the know!
Lol 😉
Thanks for the "new to me" comics. I guess it's really true the old saying "every dog has his day in the sun"!
Smile when you say that pardner!

Too bad you weren't at Steemfest....
I wanted to go so much, but I had another commitment to a different conference. Maybe some day.
Why yes..... yes it is!
Wow a very good comic, a very profound word that is : It's amazing how quickly things change. The nerds move from a group of outcasts who are marginalized and mocked to dominate our world.
Thanks for sharing.
This comics makes me think.
Most of the times people fail to seize or underestimate the power of knowledge
Nerds are awesome! I have probably learned more from nerds than any other group of people.