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RE: Nestle

in #nestle7 years ago

You never losre by studying and leaning. As you do so, create a file of data.

First of all, to understand why Nestle are doing what they are doing, you need to understand the background - otherwise you would have to decide they are crazy - and they are not.

Here are a few clues for doing a search:

  • agenda 21

  • check out this article; read it, follow whatever clues you find and you will have taken one important step towards understanding what is really going on and what is planned for all of Mankind, of whatever race or religion:

(PS: Use a dictionary so as to be certain you understand correctly )

  • "guidestones of Georgia". Read the inscription, where it clearly states that Mankind will be reduced to half a billion (from over 8 billion). What do you think the chances are of you and your family being chosen to be part of the half a billion - and once you know how they will live, are you certain you would want them to?

--- Once you have done the above, I will give you more info. Just keep this in mind:

Only two people stand between us and these monsters: Trump and Putin. Whether you like their politics does not matter,. Once we are safe, only then can we afford to make choices.

Okay, here is one more video you must watch from now. Why? Because you will keep on seeing references to how he world is becoming over-populated and that is why we must die. This man (he has died of cancer, not long after making his video) is what is called a statistician - he proves with numbers why the theat of over-population is a lie: