got the green light to launch its services in 42 US States so that would really help!Thank you so much @crimsonclad for showing us this quick demo and sharing your thoughts on why this whole process of buying STEEM is gamechanging for us. Netcoins' Contest win was a huge stepping stone towards the moon we all want STEEM to reach. We were blown away by looking at how the community reacted and came together to make this win possible. We probably need 1000 more of these wins in the future to top the world but all in due time. Also, recently Netcoins
Great chopstick skills and the video is just perfect. [Not even close to "Stupid"]. Please do more of these. Team @Oracle-D loves @followbtcnews (You and the real "JEFF") and keep buying Steem with all that paper. ;) Cheers!
i am so happy to hear about the approval for US !! thank you for that info. :)