Hot Girls Wanted (Netflix show): interesting, but also a bit depressing

in #netflix6 years ago

As the name of the show might indicate, this is a documentary of sorts about how girls are recruited into the webcam or porn industry. There is no human-trafficking going on here, these girls are enthusiastic about being involved. Some of them make a lot of money, enough that it made me a bit jealous, however it is depressing because the realization that this "fame" will be short-lived and could seriously damage their futures.


I didn't look for this title, but I do spend an awful lot of time perusing the stocks of the Netflix library and well, the title was enough to rope me in. It isn't as racy a show as you might expect and there is very little nudity or sex involved in the show, but it is referenced a lot.


Maybe this isn't surprising to many people, but the industry did NOT seem very glamorous at all. The recruiter has this shit-hole house in Miami and a bunch of young girls elect to come and stay there (and pay to stay there) while he runs them around to various money-making gigs.

The show is done in a very matter-of-fact way, A lot of people may draw the conclusion of outrage but I don't think that was the producers' intention. It just presented the facts: I wish the actual news operated this way.

In the end it was a bit depressing because it is evident that some of the girls are very happy to be there: Some of them are actually quite smart and college educated / probably have other opportunities in life. However, they choose to make what is sometimes a lot of money while they are still in good enough shape to do so.

Other situations the girls seem to have no other choice but to do this and that just seems sad but I suppose is the reality of the world.

The show becomes tragic when the organizers start talking about how the talent has a shelf-life of "1 year, MAX," at which point you have to presume they are tossed out and also how one of the mid-level dudes is very forthcoming about how "if they don't want to do it, there are thousands of girls waiting in the wings that are dying for their spot."

A real eye opening experience that looks at the grass-roots of the amateur porn industry - I found this to be quite entertaining and not just because of the boobies (and there really isn't that much of that in this show, if that's what you want I presume you know where to go:P )



I think I saw the first episode and was a little shocked but not surprised. Everything has a shelf life and these girls just don't know it yet. I just don't get it as what do they do after this as this isn't a normal life.

Dang, that is crazy, 1 year? That is a pretty sad. That is interesting that there is no human traffic aspect to this. My wife is a social worker and she has had to go to several seminars regarding human trafficking.

I wanna get sat on like the guy on that couch

Nice review. As a fan of docs, I'll add this to my watch list.

I did not know the existence of this material, I will take it into consideration. Thanks for mentioning.

I have Netflix. It looks like an intresting series. I will take a look and give you my opinion. By the way @gooddream I have a Quiz where you to have the guesses the age of adult thai girls. And i know you are from Thailand for you it will be easy. Take a look please: