On May 24, 2018, an international investigation team (JIT), which investigated the crash of a MH17 flight passenger plane, presented the interim results of the investigation. She announced that the passenger Boeing-777 "Malaysian Airlines" over the occupied territory of Donbass on July 17, 2014 was shot down by the Buk anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) belonging to the Russian armed forces.
"JIT came to the conclusion that the Buk complex, which shot down the MN17, belongs to the 53rd anti-aircraft missile air defense team from Kursk, which is part of the Russian Armed Forces," said the head of the criminal department of the Dutch National Police, Vilberto Pollissen.
It is interesting that the Russian army, which seized the Crimea and killed thousands of people in the Donbass, will also ensure security during the World Cup. The final of the championship is scheduled for July 15, and two days later, on July 17, the world will remember the anniversary of the tragedy of MH17 flight.
We call on the world community to strengthen economic and diplomatic pressure on the Russian Federation and boycott the holding of the World Cup in Russia.
You can see all the InformNapalm materials on the MH17 topic by reference.
I am a citizen of Ukraine and I want you to know what's going on in my country!
And what does Russia do for me on my earth .....
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