Why Net Neutrality Doesn't Matter

in #netneutrality7 years ago

Recently the internet has been set ablaze after the FCC repealed an Obama era rule called Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality is a rule blocking Internet service providers from throttling internet speeds for certain website. Today I saw headlines such as "How the internet as we know it will disappear" and saw certain posts on social media claiming that the FCC just took away a basic human right, and basically claiming a coming apocalypse of censorship. This is all an insane over reaction, here is 3 reasons it doesn't matter.

  1. The rules only existed since April 13, 2015. I'm sure all of you remember the internet in early 2015, was it filled with cringy memes, sure, but it certainly wasn't a post-apocalyptic censorship haven.

  2. The FCC sucks. The FCC is a un-elected body that's main purpose is regulating communication. They unilaterally made the decision that first amendment rights didn't apply to radio and TV, and they could do the same with the internet if given control. I know the current or previous administration's never proposed this, but future administrations could if the FCC get's regulatory power over the internet.

  3. This mainly affects multi-billion dollar business. The only cases reported throttling have been to multi-billion dollar dollar business like Netflix, not small startups like many people are claiming.

So overall people are freaking out over such a small issue, with all the issues going on right now, our injustice in our legal system, almost going to war with North Korea, and a president who doesn't quite understand how to not tweet every thought that comes to his mind, net neutrality isn't that big of a deal.