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RE: Netocracy - The Book That Predicted The Rise Of The Blogger And The New Elite

in #netocracy7 years ago

I absolutely loved this book, as well as the two sequels that followed it. It's great to see that it's getting more attention.

What I love most about the emergence of cryptocurrencies and platforms like this is that it's never been more apparent how important networks are. Even if you were to ignore places like Steemit, you need a strong network to get into the correct ICOs, you need the correct network to get learn about the right trades, etc. Cryptocurrencies and the emergence of tokenomics have solidified Bard and Soderqvist's ideas about the strength of the networks by incentivizing correct network behavior economically. It's amazing to see it all play out!


It really is amazing; I wasn't aware of any sequels though! What are they called?
