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RE: Netocracy - The Book That Predicted The Rise Of The Blogger And The New Elite

in #netocracy9 years ago

Interesting... some very good thoughts relating to Steem.

Unfortunately much power is physically in the hands of some few. For example, the physical internet costs much to connect to. If this becomes a monopoly or comglomorate of monopolies then all other benefits will bow or be subject to those who own it.

Also, every day tons of action and work is being done independant almost to the online world. We depend on the physical skills of many.

We must find our place in the world and discover who we are, or else we may end up controlled by messages tailered personally to us.


Let me recommend an alternative vision.
Yes, we can shape the online digiital conversation and gain influence through our reputation, and lets do this . Let's positively transform our world using our online-influence.

But let's increase our relevancy by being complicated, connected to life, nature-inspired, real-life people who are physically involved and truly experienced. We are not yet beyond the reach of our earthly troubles, so lets also do this world. Lets help the poor, improve national policy, and get the most out of life.