Why Network Marketing? This is something everyone should consider...

in #networkmarketing8 years ago (edited)

I joined Network Marketing on the age of 19, one month before I turned 20 and friends, once you're in Network Marketing, your whole life starts to change, you see life and everything else different than the average person, and by average person, I mean someone that's fooled by society! Network Marketing allows you to be your own boss, it gives you tome freedom, financial freedom and so much more. You can live life on your own terms!

One thing that I've learned in this few months in Network Marketing is that if you don't get up and do something about your dreams, nothing is going to happen and you'll wake up every morning with the exact same problems...

Well, I'm still working a regular job while I'm in Network Marketing part-time, but this is soon to change as I had some coffee with one of the leaders in the Direct Selling Company - Jeunesse Global we're in and I realized, Hey, Cobus... There's ways of making serious money without being unhappy in a job! There's Network Marketing, Forex Trading and even Blogging! 

Now, I would just like to share some facts about Jeunesse Global.

  • One of the Top 10 companies in the industry;
  • Fastest growing direct selling company for 2015 and 2016;
  • Company of the year in 201 5 and 2016;
  • Pays in USD no matter where on planet earth you might find yourself!
  • AMAZING products like our Instantly Ageless that removes fine lines and wrinkles in just 2 - 3 minutes!
  • Then we have more amazing products! Visit www.goldrock101.jeunesseglobal.com
  • In only 6 years, we managed to reach the $1 Billion mark in annual sales and the company in only 7 years old now. The only companies that did that in the same amount of years was Google, Apple, Amazon.com and Facebook.

So, I haven't covered all the facts BUT, if you'd like to know more about the Company, just visit www.tpgintro.com and you'll be able to hear much more!

Looking forward to seeing some likes and comments! 


Hi Cobus,

I take it you're also in South Africa?

Jeunesse is a very, very successful network marketing company, you're right. And good on you for joining the network marketing profession. I did at university 25 years ago, but didn't make a go of it then, so did not succeed. It is a fantastic business model, but you will only succeed if you put in the hard, hard work for the first 5 years.

My suggestion is get as much training in the profession, not your company only, the profession as you can afford to get and embrace it. READ, take notes, subscribe to good YouTube channels, websites and email subscriptions. You have a fantastic opportunity ahead starting so young - immerse yourself in becoming a network marketing professional, not hobbyist or amateur.

If you need some direction in this regard, I'll gladly support BUT you stick with your company and give it everything you've got! Don't even look at other opportunities, it's distraction from your purpose.