Thanks for the comment.
You were addressing two issues. I want to comment about the arranged marriages that you have in your culture, much like the religious Jews have in mine.
There is nothing wrong in such marriages. The purpose is to raise a family, have children, support each other. And for those purposes, such marriages are perhaps the most efficient way.
But, the world is changing and people as well.
We are now living in the age of "individualism", where people are evolving to become more than the limited human, to gather all their aspects, the positive and the negative, to feel again what love is, to know their powers and sovereign beings.
true, such a journey of self exploration can be done while the person is in a relationship. But it's much more difficult.
The fact that there are no divorces in arranged marriages is not necessarily a good sign for one's own development. People change and it's almost impossible to live with someone who still remains stuck in their old identities. Better to separate and move on to the next level of the evolution.
Again, I do understand where you are coming from and the function of the elders in your culture is respected, valuable and cherished.
Thanks for this brief comments. Dear you are right that there is individualism in these days, but we have still trust on our elder and we think that our elder will decide which is best for us.
And yes the people want a sovereign life but in our societies I again say that people avoid to go for love marriage because of its bad results.
And the sign of no divorce indicates that a couple is happy with each other and they never want to be separate otherwise they have option to do so.
So in my opinion No divorce means the couple is in happiness, love, affection, satisfaction and not thinking for anyone else except his/her spouse.
And really I appreciate my community for respectful behaviour with the elders of their families. They are really obeyed in true spirit, because we all know that they have allot of experience about how to live in the society and how to deal with others. So we got benefited from their experiences and take the results of their life and act upon that which they taught us.
I am not familiar with your society, so I can't analyse how you live and what is good or bad in your society.
Thanks for your valuable time.