Nice looking storage shed. Looks 12 x 12. I have one of the same size. Fills up fast. I've installed shelves and ceiling brackets to use for overhead storage as well.
Nice looking storage shed. Looks 12 x 12. I have one of the same size. Fills up fast. I've installed shelves and ceiling brackets to use for overhead storage as well.
It's an 8 x 14...I intend to do the same thing (shelves and stuff)
AFTER I insulate it.
Insulate it? Growing a little weed in there are we? Michigan has recreational use of marijuana on the ballot this November. It allows I think 2 oz. in possession and 12 plants indoors. Assuming it will bring a lot of young libtards to the polls Dem Senator Stab-me-now will probably be re-elected over veteran John James. I tried marijuana twice in Vietnam, but not since. I'm mixed on it. From all I've studied on it the prolonged use or abuse is similar to alcohol. In 'nam a $30 bag of it was so big it was hard to hide. You probably recall the two groups "heads" and "juicers". Those were the days, my friend. As the song goes.
I have no interest in weed.
Besides which my tools take up too much room for such nonsense.. I just don't like the 150+ degree temp inside during the summer.
On the subject of weed.
If someone wants to use it....go for it.
I call it evolution in action.
Far be it from me to disuade someone from removing themselves from the job pool....or the gene pool.