I wish we were born with Lavender Skin
Then there would be no explaining to our family and friends
We wouldn't waste our time on those people who aren't our kind
We wouldn't have the shame that some of us do now
There would be no explanating on who, what, when or how
There would be no blame on them and where did they go wrong
This is something I have thought about far to long
If we were born with Lavender skin
We would have the same rights as our straight friends
We could be married, have children free from their judgment of our sins
If we only had Lavender Skin
We could walk hand and hand anywhere we choose
We wouldn't have to hide and pretend
Things could be so much better
If we only had Lavender Skin
Maybe the girls would look like girls and the men like men
I know there would be more acceptance
If we only had Lavender Skin
Others would not have have their lives ruined by hatred and bigotry
Maybe we wouldn't have lost as many of our friends and family
Why oh why ; were we not born with Lavender Skin
This is striking and quite affecting... I love lavender (but I know what you mean by it, here). I wish you peace, freedom, acceptance and love.
Small typo, by the way: "hind" should be "hide", I think?
thank you very much I was worried about posting it
I was thinking maybe too strong of a voice for the steemit groups and that it was not good enough. I have read a few other writers and they make me feel small. so it means a lot to hear reactions to what I write. thank you from the bottom of my heart. it really does matter to get feed back. May I follow your post as well and commit on them ? I was told I was suppose to ask first. oh yes thank you I will fix that typo (s) I found two more thanks for making me take a harder look at it .
very nice, but no one should worry about what others think! do what makes you happy, what others think is not important.
that is nice in theory but in the very uncertain times at least here in the U.S. Trump has brought out such hate and such meanness. It is not as safe as we once believed. but thank you. People here now feel empowered to slam you, or get people fired because you do not think like, or even look like what they believe you must be to be a true American. He has brought out the worst in us all.
Resteemed. Very impresive poetry
thank you
nice writing skill
Thank you I have not written in a while maybe I will try another poem today.
thank it means a lot
to hear that from you all