The vast and mysterious depths of the oceans are full of strange creatures that have never seen the light of day. But while many people believe that the seas are full of as yet undiscovered lifestyles, many others are reluctant to admit the existence of any truly gigantic species waiting to be discovered in the depths of the unfathomable abysses ... One of these creatures is the Ningen.
The "Ningen" (which means "human" in Japanese) is a colossal creature that was seen by Pacific fishermen in the 1990s. Professional fishermen were surprised by the size of this monster and even more surprised by the clearly humanoid form This beast ostensibly albino. According to reports, the Ningen is a creature that measures between 18 and 27 90 meters long, and described as a "gigantic whale-like creature" with a smooth, pale skin and with a head, a torso and the appendages of a human being.
Some witnesses declared that it has a tail like that of a mermaid with hind legs, although others insist that it has "hands" with five fingers on the ends. These creatures have supposedly been spotted in the Pacific, the Antarctic and the Atlantic, and are always described as extraordinarily large with a whitish complexion. It is also said that these creatures have no facial features except for two qualities, large eyes and a large mouth. According to the reports of the sightings, these creatures are mainly nocturnal and live in Arctic waters.
The first reports of these marine beasts date back to the end of the 20th century, which is strange considering that sailors have been crossing the seas all over the world for centuries and not even a single mention of these strange creatures exists. But really what are they?
A legend is born
The first time Ningen was mentioned was in a popular Japanese Internet forum known as 2channel. One user posted that he was working on a "whale research vessel financed by the government" when one of these creatures appeared from the depths. According to the publication, the crew member, who remained anonymous, went up on the deck along with other investigators to see what looked like a "submarine" sailing on the horizon. However, when the research vessel approached the strange object it became evident that it was not a metallic structure, it seemed to have life, it breathed, and above all it was gigantic. The crew stared in amazement at the biological anomaly until it submerged moments later.
It is said that some members of the research team managed to photograph the enigmatic creature, but apparently the images were suppressed in order to safeguard the government-funded research. It goes without saying that after it was published this amazing story had a global impact.
Already in November 2007, appeared a lot of photographs that seemed to show the creature in all the oceans of the world. The phenomenon took such dimension that even magazines specialized in mysteries published articles to try to explain this puzzling puzzle. Soon after, there was a great deal of evidence about the existence of the Ningen, including an image of Google Maps that appeared to show one of these Ningen in the South Atlantic, near the coast of Namibia.
Social networks became a real hotbed, where the most skeptical agreed that the reports and images were not any real evidence. However, none of this seemed to discourage the more believers who claimed that the Ningen are corporeal ways of life and that the Japanese government is hiding its existence. Even some conspiracy theorists suggested that many of the shoddy photographs in relation to these creatures were created by government organizations to cover up the truth and thus discredit all those who claimed that these creatures could be real. Could Ningen be another chapter in the long line of government cover-ups?
What can be?
Leaving apart the conspiracy theories, many people believe that the Ningen are some kind of unidentified species, which comes from the abysses of the oceans and that as a general rule do not rise to the surface.
Manta ray or giant blanket
It has been speculated that the Ningen may be a hitherto unknown species of giant albino stripe. There is a possibility that a strange species of ray could have been camouflaged between the floating icebergs and other frozen debris of the Arctic, although it can be said that it is difficult for such a bulky beast to remain hidden until the 21st century.
However, some scientists have suggested that only 20% of all species living in the world's oceans are known. Considering this fact, it is possible that large marine creatures could have gone unnoticed under the ice. But if it turns out that it is not a sea creature, then its origin could be clearly supernatural ...
Demon of water
Japanese folklore is full of incredible supernatural creatures that live underwater. The Yōkai is one of those mystical creatures, which are believed to have animal-like features. It is worth considering the fact that all the reports in relation to Ningen are of Japanese origin. This could suggest that the Ningen could be a supernatural Yōkai entity, which for reasons beyond human comprehension, appear in certain seas of Japan. But leaving aside the paranormal theory, it is possible that it was some kind of bio-mechanical entity ...
OSNI: unidentified underwater objects
For those who do not know, the OSNI are unidentified underwater objects. According to experts, these mysterious objects have the ability to fly and also to dive into the depths of the oceans with the same ease. Although most experts believe that it is some kind of highly technological transport from another world, there are others who have considered the possibility that these mysterious objects may be alive.
But assuming they are not advanced biomechanical beings, then maybe we should consider the possibility that they were extraterrestrial beings ...
When one thinks of all the disparate forms of life on this planet, it is inevitable not to think about the unlimited life forms throughout the universe. It is believed that extraterrestrial beings can be of various shapes and sizes of what we can imagine and it is not crazy to think that they can also have an aquatic nature.
This could explain why the Ningen were not seen before the 1990s, since they were not present on Earth. These Ningen would be moving through our oceans through "water vehicles", and for whatever reason they would have "invaded" our ecosystem.
Quite possibly the Nigen is a creature created on the Internet, but neither should we rule out the possibility that it is a sea creature or even extraterrestrial beings. Many people suggest that certain creatures are being hidden by the scientific community so that they do not follow the same steps as the extinct animals of our oceans. Whether it is a real creature, a simple joke or a global conspiracy, surely the Ningen will continue to be an intriguing enigma of our oceans.
I look forward to all the life forms that will be discovered as we are able to explore the deepest places in the ocean. Your article definitely brings up an interesting possibility.
you take the point bro 👍