@juneaugoldbuyer While I agree Steemit will go far in further exposing the public to Crypto any member of the public to still claim they have never heard of Bitcoin has either been avoiding any and all mainstream & social media, living in a cave or 3rd world nation without internet access, or is just outright lying.
I don't think it's the lack of exposure that has hindered its adoption in the mainstream I have a sinking suspicion that ignorance of how it works and it's lack of easy accessibility are far more to blame. Unlike many other more progressive nations, you'd be hard pressed to find an ATM, Bank, or store of any kind that accepts Bitcoin in America. I don't think people are completely and totally ignorant of it's existence so much as they're ignorant of its possibilities to reshape the world finance as we know it.
The few people I have talked to about Crypto that did not know very much about Bitcoin were shocked to hear actual numbers regarding the market cap. In the past Bitcoin has actually broke well past 10 Billion USD and even exceeded 12 Billion USD for a brief time.
That's the kind of eye opener that shocks people the most from my experience with non Crypto followers. When they hear the market cap well exceeds the GDP of many of our planet's existing global nations most don't believe me until I hop online and show them.
There's no doubt in my mind that Crypto is here to stay, but getting the rest of the non technical populace to understand it's methodology and use potential could be a whole different challenge. For what it's worth as well I truly do hope Steemit gains major traction and helps further Crypto into the mainstream and out of the fringe.