Don't take anything personally. Very often people who attack are speaking more about themselves than the target they attack.
Listen to my gut. It is breathtakingly wise and will guide me in life.
All the pain, suffering and discomfort is there to teach a lesson. Once the lesson is learned, the external world shifts accordingly.
Learn to navigate life in it's imperfections. People who scream the loudest and are abusive are often hurting the most. No need to remain in their energy field but gently walk away, quietly.
We each serve as a role model for each other. Be assured, your actions affect others.. they are watching and learning from you.
It is a beautiful world if we observe with the right lenses. We are all looking for love and very few are able to reach optimal love.
Don't bend to despair, rise above the noise and watch. Rest assured, everything is transient.. it will pass.
Few can teach life to another, we are all journeying in our own karma, understand this and accept each precious being.
With great joy comes great pain, for me it is a 'natural' law. Don't be enslaved by either.
Be compassionate, the people I criticize the most were the ones, like me, trying to do their best. Often when feelings cannot be articulated they are acted out sadly harming the very person lashing out the most.
Most important for me, don't be reactive, be gentle and unfailingly polite.
Be true to myself, that entails embracing the loneliness necessary to walk freely.
Finally, the biggest gift of all is life itself. Pass all the positivity to those you influence, and illuminate as much as you can.
Excellent reflection on the last year. Mine is different (not going to share), but I respect these. Some good ones there for everyone to think about.