Beliefs? I challenged your bullshit rhetoric of "have you never visited an observatory you noob, everyone knows the moon is not soild" with direct questions and there's A LOT of questions that are directed at you and despite what "it sounds like" the reality is that I have a lot of questions for you, and they remain unanswered because you have no evidence, instead of presenting damning evidence which you dismiss the invitation by rudely telling me I was ranting and denigrating my sincere, obvious MULTITUDE of questions, all relating to Physics of Earth, which True is impled and doesn't necessitate a distinction, as True Fisichz unapologetically implies you hold the CONSENSUS on Earth Physics as a FRAUD, without any fucking evidence besides "look at these photos, guess which one is 120000 because we live in a floating dome and the moon is not solid, go to a freakin observatory, everyone knows". What the fuck, I expected you wouldn't answer ANY fucking questions, and remarked so, because denying reality means my questions are denigrated as not Actual, but Rhetoric, which EITHER WAY, you could demonstrate or explain, clearing any interpretations one might have or assumptions that aren't true, but especially it would simply expose that you indeed are interested in discourse and jump at the chance of it, as you've done with this comment bulldozing people with "Everything you know about the earth is a lie because it doesn't profit the liars one bit" which rant alert 3 , you're happy to answer my questions, if they are actual questions as opposed to rhetorical ones, especially since I hadn't expressed any such intention of my questions, and clearly that is another thing that you have no chance at proving and you began by making bullshit claims like a troll looking for conflict and that is exactly what you got especially when you shit on people by default because they inquire about your bullshit cliams and all of a sudden they need to hear the rhetoric of well I'm not like most that simply believe the authorities, I have thousands of years of research and revelations by the ton, you sheep and your belief", which is why you know with such certainty, bullshit with more bullshit, have you any fucking shit to show for your bullshit claims that is not disputed offhand and by cursory analysis? why should I give you the benefit of respect when you disrespect everyone that ever looked through a telescope at the moon, stars and planets and by claiming that the moon is not solid, that the planets are stars and that everyone with a telescope knows this, what a fucking life it's so massive you hope that all it takes is your fucking word when you have red alerted yourself by the initial troll comment, the subsequent response to a direct and simple question which amounted to "believe me because I have studied and have had revelations like the christ and this is not a spinning ball". What a fucking idiot and the people who push this bullshit will always look like incompetent jokes, your assertion of my belief and your denial of Physics by claiming that Physics "hold no actual proof of evidence that you live on a spinning space ball." treating me to the same nauseating bullshit you served the person that asked you directly and simply why are you so certain, expecting me to chase after red herrings like beliefs, and simply accept falsehoods like it's truth because after all, what the fuck do we even know if there is no proof of earth being a spinning ball and yet there's a scientific consensus for clearly that, with evidence in multitude of forms, even the anyone who's recognized from TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE that the earth is a sphere, casting a perfect circle shadow on the moon, a non solid object that can cast shadow and can be illuminated so as to cast shadows onto itself, and this is observed with most $100 cheapo scopes. Get the fuck out of there.
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More ranting and rude comments so I skipped down to the bottom hoping there would actually be a question, or some kind of opposition with proofs of evidence, but I couldn't find any intelligent thoughts. However you do say that anyone can recognize from a total lunar eclipse that the earth is a sphere ( which is nothing more than a silly belief, and not an actual realization) I'm not sure what gets you to believe that the earth is a sphere just by looking at the moon. It's not possible to determine the physics of Earth just by looking at the moon and coming to your own conclusion. There are missing steps needed to come to that conclusion, so it's nothing more than you are assuming the Earth is a sphere, simply because you looked at the moon and determined this in your head. ( More like you took the word of someone that lied to you). I'll leave you with one thought on this, hope you actually spend some time thinking about the picture rather than spewing more random curse words out of your ignorant unintelligent mouth.![FB_IMG_1498265286064.jpg](
On meteors: No we do not know they happen, you just assume that they happen because you believe what you're told to believe. There's several proofs of evidence missing that connects what you saw on a video to the theory that space rocks fall down from the sky. This 'meteor' video, as well as other documented ones all show the strikes coming in from 20 degrees to 35 degrees. They have the exact angle and exact look of a missle strike, and you nor anyone else could tell the difference between a known missle strike video and the russian dashboard videos you speak of.
I'm not going to waste more time if you are just going to ask silly questions that involve assumptions and beliefs. You must first wake up and realize you've been lied to, instead of asking stupid questions with assumptions that "nobody that has looked at the moon said it wasn't a solid moon" How can you actually believe that nobody has figured this out before? Millions of people already know the truth, stop believing in your false and evil religion!