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RE: How I quit smoking

in #new8 years ago (edited)

I found that if I just downed a glass of water every time I craved a smoke it helped me stop craving in three day's. Basically if you down a glass of water every time you crave your body will then start to associate the craving with water and flush itself faster. You need to replace one habit with another! In this case a bad onw with a good one.

I would also recommend tons of exercise! The faster you can get the nicotine out your system the faster you will kick the habbit.

This is just my personal experience and I have stopped now for over 2 years and cant stand smoking anymore!


Totally agree! Thanks!

Thanks, different things work for different people. My buddy took my advice but replaced his energy smoking habit with fizzy energy drinks, better but at least I now just drink loads of water lol!

what a rush