Previously in the time of the chavez president they were called Bolivarian circles, nowadays cambairon its name to groups of the peace by Venezuelan jajajajaja that stupid so great on the part of mature and its combo.
This armed group sponsored by the government is dedicated to intimidate people in the street during the protests, these members are the common criminals of the most numerous and poor neighborhoods of Venezuela, which today are against the government would say that 80 % "But these groups or small groups but are armed to the" teeth "so to speak, support the government simply because it pays them, to go to the protests and to attack the people who march peacefully, these groups have killed a lot Of Venezuelans and are supported in turn by the military authorities of the country, which as we all know are in favor of the government or many threatened, although much have been given withdrawal or low ....
Well these collective groups simply what they do is attack intimidate as I already mention and even kill innocent Venezuelans who only fight for their country ... a better country ....
Thanks for sharing what's going on there. Makes the world feel closer together!
son la pesta en este pais que dios me perdone pero merecen lo peor
todo culpa del difunto chavez si no fuera por el venezuela no estaria suciendo todo esto actualmente