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RE: Pokemon go is a sign of the end of our species - My first real post on Steemit

in #new9 years ago

I have been seeing this absolute madness for weeks now and it has hijacked our youth's psyche. As someone, who grew up playing in backyard in dust with neighbors kids, I fail to understand the level of disconnection that this generation is facing in this so called connected world. There have already been instances of crime, here in Australia as well as elsewhere in the world because of Pokemon Go. Our children have forgotten to live in real world. They live in world where those fantasy characters are their heroes and violence is just another game.
The responsibility of keeping our youth safe is a responsibility of both parents and Government. I hope that in the days to come, more objective rules would be drawn for the game so that we don't come up with generation that would talk about those non-existent characters when they talk to each other, if they ever find some time to do so. It is also in the interest of everyone's safety that we discipline this game. I don't want someone loitering at my backyard at mid-night or come under my car while driving on a highway, just because they are in a Pokemon World.


It's really a complete madness