I want to buy a few coins at these current low prices but don't really understand how that works with Bitcoin so high? Does this mean when Bitcoin price retraces the coins I've bought will be too expensive?
I want to buy a few coins at these current low prices but don't really understand how that works with Bitcoin so high? Does this mean when Bitcoin price retraces the coins I've bought will be too expensive?
Look at the peak and dips in the Cryptos with the largest market capitalisation. And make a decision when to enter. Inform your self about perceived values of each crypto on the market.
I bought BTC at price parity with gold, as the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) for me was I would not be able to afford a BTC at the end of the year, which is now true.
Worth having some exposure to BTC as there will be a fork. Buy a coldstorage hardware wallet to store crypto!
Trading to maintain/increase crypto value... I have had limited success and some failures. But a small trading pot is good to learn with.