What's wrong with these people!

in #new8 years ago

Muslim migrants escape the tyranny of Sheria law from there middle Eastern countries and think it's OK to impliment it here in western society. The abusive rape culture that they bring here needs to be punished not just swept under the rug. A message needs to send that if you want to come to a civilized nation you need to adhere to the laws and regulations of that society. If I were to go anywhere in the world and behave the way most of these people do I would be imprisoned. Why aren't they.


I dont know what you mean with abuse rape culture, but 90% of rapes happen by people the victims know, mostly family. Here, in our western world. Just saying.

If you look up the statistics of the increased percentage of rape were muslim migrants were accepted in western society it will shock you. As it did me.

I have seen a lot of statistics. In none there was a significant increase in rape caused by muslim believe.
The last I have seen (yesterday) was a stats about how many property damages and body harm there was from asylum seekers in my area. 1 each in 2016. Less per head then from Germans.

So first quotes BILD, a synonym of lying newspaper. Nice start.

The rest is full of logical fallacies/mangling stats about whole Germany on migrants only, Or using cases of pickpokets as "supressing rape cases"
And if you take all the "migrant sexually assaults woman" cases from the whole appendix you have about the same number as "German man sexually assaults woman on Oktoberfest".
One case was just a fiction of woman.
Again NOT ONE statistic that shows higher rapes because of immigrants.
btw: The "no means no" law has nothing to do with immigrants, the process started more then a year before the syrian refugees and is seen in not the best light by most lawyers.

Second: A single case, dont even need to read that.
3rd and 4th: Again, just single occurances, no indication of "muslims do more sex crimes"

So, do you have anything that proves your point - that muslims do more rapes then non-muslims? And please dont let me read pages of useless stuff again.

Well, they are just power tripping. They escape their own countries because they may have been the victims of this abuse, but now in this new country, they want to dominate and victimize as they could not do so back home with as much ease. If they do not respect the laws and culture of their new home, they should be deported. There is no point for them to leave their country of origin anyway, if they turn their new home to what they escaped from.