You may never have heard of choice paralysis, but you'll definitely have been affected by it. It's that sensation you experience when you know you want something, say an ice cream, but there are so many flavors to choose from that you end up not buying one at all, and going ice cream-less. That's choice paralysis. And the tech world is full of it.
AdvertisementFor every gadget and gizmo there are hundreds of different makes and models. Making a decision is hard. So, to cut through some of the confusion, we've collated our 'best of the best' gadgets list.
This list only features one item in each category, and that item is what we currently think is the best of its kind. The products on this list will only change when something better comes along and knocks a reigning champ off its top spot.
If you’re the sort of person who wants to have the best of everything, this is your ultimate shopping list…
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nice gadget vai