trace of yours in life. 21 centuries. Influence on generation. Existence purpose

in #new8 years ago (edited)

Likely, thoughts refuse to issue that information which could hook people around, could make any contribution in consciousness of teenagers or already adults, having left a considerable print, well or at least there a tiny trace which could turn then into something bigger. In what a problem? Why I can't connect all words in offers, and then express through them feelings, emotions which are experienced by almost each teenager who is going in for journalism? The answer came by itself — I can't find a worthy subject …

So about what to write? What actually today? Now there are a lot of things which could find the future on paper, go further and take root into the general dense weight to nobody the necessary articles, but unless I want it? Unless someone wants it? No … So what to do? How to write worthy article which deserves attention of public? I think, it is worth walking on points. Point first: policy. Serious subject …, very serious. Presently the bureaucracy works well-coordinated so and fairly that and pulls to write article about these benefactors ubiquitous! How they help people, solve problems, increase to themselves salaries! From all that I listed above only one is correct. What? It is sure, you guessed as it is. Also it would be very ridiculous if it wasn't so sad. I think, the policy is a subject for the people understanding nothing in life. Otherwise they would begin to screen those who daily worsen existence of every second person in our country? So, all right. We will close this subject …

Point second: ecology.

This already serious request on existence of article in the cruel world of journalism. Always was actual to write about the nature, its pollution, plants, people who every minute destroy the atmosphere and absolutely at the same time do not redden. There now! It seems, I have found what looked for! Ecology! But …, stop … Why it seems to me that this subject is senseless? Why such feeling that nobody will understand my words? How many articles are written and has sunk into a non-existence because we — people — refuse to listen. Really someone after reading will cease to throw garbage anywhere, or will refuse to work at the plant polluting the nature? Anybody … Means, I do nothing again? No! If have begun, we argue further …

Point third: SOCIETY.

People who surround us are always an integral part of our life. Character is built up under the influence of crowd, the opinion is consolidated under pressure of crowd, the fear appears under oppression of crowd. A conclusion — why to write about society which is more similar to herd?! Neither persons, nor individuals, one continuous misunderstanding. Of course, it is possible to develop this subject, if to dig more deeply, then we will understand that nevertheless there are people differing from others. But then it will be necessary to touch upon a subject about derelicts, losers and whipping boys. Yes, the world — you either with all or against all here is so arranged …

Society — the social organization of the country providing joint activity of people. It is the part of a material world which has stood apart by nature representing historically developing form of communications and the relations of people in the course of their activity.

Point fourth: MONEY.

What each person most of all appreciates in the life? Without what people cannot exist? How many it will be required to us time to understand how it is
important to have …, money! It is disturbing to understand that people appreciate not a family, not friends, and green pieces of paper which so strongly delay a pocket every time when you pass about shops any more. Ridiculously, isn't that so? The proverb "Friend in court is better than a penny in purse", is not actual for a long time in our world. The power, glory, prestige, money — here that now the mind of most of people excites, and was a pity to Live, isn't it? much more simply if we could appreciate not quantity of money in a purse, and the fact of the existence …, but …, it is impracticable …

Point fifth: family.

The relations between relatives always were and remain huge mystical secret. Never it is definitely impossible to know that mother and the daughter, the father and the son, the brother and the sister feel on the relation to each other, and all because we do not try to understand each other. As often we hear claims of children: mother with the father do not understand me! Or phrases of parents: we will never understand the children. And you tried? What sense to write that it in principle cannot be the truth? There is no absolute guarantee that everything is as simple as it seems at first sight. The family can be amicable, can be loving, but at the same time, the atmosphere not of understanding, oppression, mistrust can reign in it. And to write just to deliver a tick …, well is not present … Just it is better to find other subject …

But … that else? What have I missed? How to answer a question: what actually today, right now, that's it this minute?

So far I checked this huge text which has already printed, one idea has suddenly rushed into my head: or perhaps I have already opened that thought which so wanted to describe today? That if now I was disturbed by a subject about what interests people on this period? Here to you and the answer — that subject will be actual which will be able to force you to feel unindifference to the scope of application. Perhaps tomorrow I will be concerned by weather, the attitude of people towards animals, or a meeting of deputies with the president, everything can be. The main thing that I will want to write about it, I will see huge potential in so small incident and I will sincerely desire to reveal him on paper. I hope that quite so and will be … For now I provide you the list actual, in my opinion, to opinion, to those for today, and I wish creative inspiration and an eternal fair wind …

all thanks. we will help the world together


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English pls

It says that this is a trial version , the work ( post) . will continue to be educated work.

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Good thoughts