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RE: The Electoral College is Evil

in #new7 years ago

Metzen, I think we are already in the Hunger Games.

Derp Furor, our POTUS, has flouted every convention and tradition set in place that, although not written law, are traditions meant to keep our government out of the stank of corruption. Nepotism, for one example. Beyond that, he has broken so many laws, both Constitutional and otherwise, one needs an advanced degree in Calculus to number them. But just his obvious trampling of the Emoluments Clause should be enough to boot his ass out. But his cronies who control Washington right now don't have the fortitude.

As for ideological equality, I'm to the point that I don't care about that. True Conservatism is dead. It has been strangled in a web of religious fanaticism, zealotry, greed, fevered capitalism and now, white supremacy, nationalism and false patriotism. Liberalism isn't perfect, but at least it hasn't given in so completely to the hypocrisy, hate and greed that has consumed so-called conservative point of view.

Nothing the RepugnantKlan party (the zombified remains of what once WAS the Republican party) has anything good to offer America. Least of all to the duped and stooooopified Trumpanzees who will lose more than anyone, once the full measure of Anus Orange's reign of stoooopidity ends. The blue collar WASP, desperate to hold on to their "privelege" in America, who voted for Trump is the main demographic who will lose their job, their home, their healthcare, and their social safety net with everything Derp Furor has planned.

The America we once knew and loved is gone. The electoral college is as much to blame for that as is Russia and their collusion with our quarter witted POS POTUS.