Why Its The Perfect Time To Invest In Bitcoin.

in #new8 years ago (edited)

As we all know the US gorvnment wants raise the debt ceiling ,where to nobody knows but the probrem is that we are living in a bubble and the bigger the bubble the easier it blows .
Currency the US national dept stands at 22 trillion and growing and 19 trillion comes from its biggest rival China.if the debt ceiling is not raised the gorvment will default meaning its unable to pay back the bonds and that means a financial crisis is innevible there will be a complete gorverment shutdown.
When the bubble pops we all know there is no country safe Since the $ is the reserve currency of the world though backed by nothing .it will be the death of fiat currency and a new era of blockchain.it happened in Grece when they failed to pay $138 billion ,it also happened with the leiman brothers hving a $ 600 billion debt yet filing for bankraftcy, I am are you ready!?


nice work, can add more data though :D great job for a beginner :)

Thanks naveen, I thought short ones where better.