Yoga for Weight Loss: When Yoga Outruns the Treadmill

in #new7 years ago

Yoga for weight loss is not an uncommon term now. As it earns worldwide acceptance and recognition, people have been ditching the treadmill and opting for Yoga routines in order to maintain the healthy weight.

The best aspect of Yoga is that even the simplest of poses and practices are capable of making your weight loss journey smoother. There are people who have been practicing Yoga for a number of years and have never had to worry about weight related issues.

Yoga enables you to melt fat without sweating it out in the gym. Instead of lifting heavy weights and running continuously on the treadmill, you are supposed to be at peace with yourself, calm your mind and practice simple postures. Such is the mystery of Yoga.

Moreover, Yoga helps one in maintaining their desired levels of weight and body type. There are no sudden ups and downs to be seen on the weighing scale.

There have been comparative studies where two groups of people started with their weight loss journey simultaneously but the group that practiced Yoga fared better than their non-Yoga practicing counterparts.

The theory behind this is that Yoga enables positive changes in the mind which trickle down to changes in one's behavior. When both these things happen, the body automatically becomes more in sync with the mind and soul. It works in a loop until the body's shape and size is altered.

It's a well-known fact that stress results in unhealthy diet and "emotional eating". When you practice Yoga daily, your brain curbs your reaction to stress and you make healthy eating choices. And even when you do eat something unhealthy once in a while, you no longer feel guilty or become upset.

The prime goal of practicing Yoga for weight loss is to exercise control on the mind and body and quit obsessing about meaningless and worrisome aspects of life.

When you become happy and calm on the inside, it starts showing on your body. In fact, a Yoga routine not only helps you consume lesser calories but also ensures that those calories are consumed and stocked up at just the right places, preventing fat accumulation at places where it is not desired. By reducing cortisol levels, Yoga also makes reducing belly fat much easier than regular methods.

Restorative Yoga where a particular Yoga pose is held constant for a longer time (usually on a yoga mat on the floor), has shown to render even more positive results.

They key lies in Yoga's focus on breath and body, while increasing mindfulness. Thus, throughout the day your mind is in tune with your body and you eat only when you are truly hungry.

If you have just started with your weight loss journey or are thinking to start with it, you must definitely try Yoga as a tool to achieve your desired body shape and size.


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