Is the Earth Flat or Round? How About You

in #new7 years ago

Disowned or not, lately very crowded people who discuss the shape of Earth. Especially those who embrace and believe that the Earth is flat. This conspiracy theory permeates many 'insightful' people, then poisones many other people's minds to believe that Earth is flat.
In fact, in addition to the right or wrong theory, many things that can easily make people believe that the Earth is round. This is because the everyday phenomena we encounter is the share of the rounded Earth form.
The National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) once explained to the supporters of the Earth Flat Theory, that the earth is round. Head of LAPAN Thomas Djamaluddin to commemorate the moment of meeting and discussion between LAPAN and Bumi Datar community. The meeting first took place on December 30, 2016. Earth Earth mainly does not believe in gravity and the mechanism of the eclipse. I explain the theory and the facts, "Thomas said.
The following facts about the earth are round:


The appearance of the ship from Horizon

If you've ever been to the harbor, or just strolled down the beach and looked at the horizon, friends might see a very interesting phenomenon: as the ship approached, the ship not only "appeared" from the horizon (as they should have if the world were flat) , But appears as if from under the sea. But the original ship did not drown and suddenly appeared (except in "Pirates of the Caribbean" which is notabenenya fictitious movie!). The reason these ships look as if they "emerge from under the sea" is because the world is not flat or spherical or spherical is not perfect.

Star Shift

Consider the star shifting from its place. Put an example when you see the constellation of orion. If you move north or south, the constellation of orion stars will be reversed in the southern hemisphere sky.

Time Zone Difference

When you call your best friend in America during the day, there must be a night. Well, that's what strengthens the evidence that the earth is round. The sun moves from one end of the western earth, then appears at the other end. If the shape is flat, there is definitely no timezone difference.



If we stick a stick or stick on the ground, the stick will produce a shadow. Shadows are always moving every time passes. If the Earth is flat, of course two rods or sticks in different places will produce shadows of the same size. But this is not the case, objects that are in different places, will produce shadows of different sizes.


flat earth is flat , follow me i follow you :)

thnks i was follow you