This is a big day for my family!
online shop at the Homesteader's Co-op I can actually sell these for less than amazon charges while actually getting a larger portion for my family from the sale. Moreover, I can offer autographed copies and also charge less for shipping than amazon, at least for some purchasers.A big thanks to @sagescrub and the @homesteaderscoop for helping to make this one possible. By selling these direct from our
This has been years in the making, and I'm so excited to finally have my first book ever in print. This one is a 50 day daily devotional about the end-times as revealed in the Bible, and in it I attempt to make an intimidating and often confusing subject digestible and easy to comprehend.
I've listed two different options, just in case anyone wants to obtain an autographed copy of the book. For just one dollar more, I can sign the book and even include a personalized message for those who desire it.
A special thanks to everyone who has encouraged and supported us along our journey. Y'all mean the world to us!
Soon I plan on releasing a few more books too, so stay tuned!
Until next time…

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, please read our whitepaper!Congrats on getting the book published. I noticed the Amazon link doesn't offer the book as an ebook. Many are buying their books that way now. I wrote and self published for years and am getting back into it. You should consider offering it in that format as the price point would be cheaper for your readers and your cut (if between 2.99-9.99) would range from 60%-80% depending on the bookstore.
You can upload the word doc direct to amazon kdp and the other book stores. Or use an aggregate such as who will charge 10% of sales and convert both to mobi and epub and get your book in many stores such as Nook, Kobo, Apple etc. If you can figure out the formatting for Smashwords they also can be an aggregate, but have their own store as well that pays out 80% for in store sales. Smash also allows you to issue coupons to your potential readers for promotions in their store.
I'm working on an ebook version of it now. It'll take me a bit, but it is on my list of goals to finish soon. Thanks for the encouragement and advice!
Huge day for you @papa-pepper. Seriously, congrats. You've worked hard for this and with your mind for promotion, I have no doubts the book will succeed.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Congratulations @papa-pepper, you are published!! You must have put a lot of work into writing this book, I can only imagine.
That is so exciting that you can sell your book for less AND retain more profit. More power to you @papa-pepper. I am wishing you a lot of success with your new book... and the upcoming books... how exciting!
You know how much the homesteaders co-op means to me, thanks so much for empowering us with such an amazing outlet!!!
Hello my friend! :D
That is so cool, congratulations! :D I look forward to getting mine. :D Do you know when you'll be able to ship to Canada? Right now it just has the USA as a shipping option on the site. :D
God bless you and your wonderful family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D
I'm going to let things die down for a bit first, but I will be shipping out of the country for those who want a copy.
Sweet, let me know how to get the money to you. :D I don't have enough steem to pay that way, but I'm happy to send a money order/bank draft, or some other form of payment that works for you. :D
God bless your familyCongratulations @papa-pepper
Posted using Partiko Android
I'm sure your book will succeed!Congrats @papa-pepper, it's really exciting big day for your family!
Thanks so much. I'm glad that it's finally out!
Congrate @papa-pepper...Good job and good luck foto you
Thank you!
Anything we can do to cut Amazon out of the picture is a GREAT thing!
Way to go.
Yeah, better for everyone! Thank you!
Amazing. Congratulations to you @papa-pepper. Thanks to @homesteaderscoop for the gesture!
Wow. Congratulations sir. This is good news. Well done
Posted using Partiko Android
congratulation for you @papa-pepper
Congratulations @papa-pepper!
Congrat! @papa-pepper! I know that feeling when you finally get your first book published as a print book, not just a digital copy, there's a lot more to it in paperback. Looks likes it's very well done too! Did you do everything yourself?
Yeah, I pretty did it all. Had a few others proof read, but it was basically a personal project. thank you!
I purchased mine today!!
This is SUPER COOL!! What an awesome accomplishment!! Congratulations!! I am going to order one for sure 💙 Be Blessed!
Sounds like you need to get @dwells back over there to finish setting up the new laptop before it dies completely!!
Also congrats on getting it published, now that you have one under your belt so to speak i'm sure the next ones won't take you as long to figure out!
Yeah, my setup is actually reall (like really) sad, but it's still functionable, so we are moving forward. Thanks for the encouragement!
I've had experience in the past where even though it is "functionalble" and all seems ok that is when the rug is pulled out from underneath you and then you are stuck in the mud with a brick of a computer!
Get it done!!!!! Or how about Get r done!!!
Yeah he needs to bring both laptops to my place and we can get him squared away. worst case scenario I can take his old hard drive and put it in his new machine so that way he'd have all the old programs and files and everything in a new and improved body.