Who watches House of Cards? What did you think of the new season?

in #new8 years ago

I am a big fan of the show, but with that being said are they going to wrap this up next year? The way it ended this season it seems they can't run much longer without the bottom falling our for Clair and Frank!


I think it could go on a lot longer,
If Clair does parden Frank and Stamper, it could go on for her 1 or two terms,
And if not, they could get a full season out of Franks trial.

I don't want to be a spoiler here, so I will not use names. Who Frank threw down the stairs in the White House, did she die? I don't think they ever went back to that. Maybe I missed it

There was a part where someone said the person was sick and would testify later, so no, I don't think they are dead.

i haven't seen it, would you recommend it?