I hope you got some time to catch up ;-)
Organite ? Wilhelm Reich was not far of i think , same as Tesla his ether theory , as now we know it is plasma they messed around with . 99% of the universe is plasma . And yes it is good to refresh your bio-electric field with some newly generated plasma . But it's also a plasma field filled with fine tuned frequencies , Haarp point's it's energy to the upper atmosphere , only some scattered waves reach the ground levels , enough to damage us just a bit . Like a sponge our plasma field (or aura) absorbs all radiation , for haarp damage a frequent refresh should be enough . For 4 or 5G it would take a whole lot of organite to stay healthy . Why do you think that at ISS they wallpaper the walls with bags of there own shit . Biomass absorbs radiation to , death or alive . To repel radiation youl need big electro magnetic fields like from an particle accelerator , same way as the earth repels radiation from the Sun and cosmos .
To fight those 5G poles without destroying them is not possible , we must find ways to silently silence them . I would go for the crossbow from Gordon Freeman (halflife 1 and 2 games) , shoot a melting hot steel bar in it's delicate part's from a distance . Don't tell , don't brag , up to the next one .
Real hero's are always the unknown ;-)
WOW man good stuff. You're making my head hurt. Thanks for the info!