Weird things

in #newbie8 years ago

I went into our local hardware store a few months ago and while standing in line to pay for my purchase I saw this and busted out laughing. Who here suffers from monkey butt I have the cure for you!



As I get older I am having various issues but this far thankfully Monkey butt is not one of my issues but its good to know this is out there if ever needed :)

As I age I hope that I never run into this problem either. Fleas and ticks are enough for this dog!

More than enough I would imagine just keep them to yourself :)

I'm dying here!!!! LOL!!!!

Don't die just put aside all those sharp objects!

I am so happy you found this
I never knew what I was missing all this years

I'll keep you upraised of any condition I might have. :)

Hahaha...better not say what came to mind 😁

Oh, I am pretty sure you shouldn't!!!!! LOL

Fun fact you wish I hadn't told you; Fat chefs will sneak into the walk-in fridge and dust their butthole with corn starch when they get a bad case of swamp ass while working in the kitchen.

My husband swears by this stuff!

So he knows what it is


I wonder what in that bottle... :)

Not sure I want to find out.


Lol now that's funny!

I have actually seen that before at a truck stop.. lol

This was my first time seeing it. I didn't have the time to read it completely (I was laughing too hard).