Here in Venezuela we have a lot of idioms.. I'm going to choose 3 of them:
-"Está de pinga" : it's a way to say something is very good, refering to almost anything, from food to a person (if you know what I mean).
-"Coroné": it's like putting a crown to someone else. We use it when we finally start dating with the person we like, when they say yes to us.
-"Tienes labia": it's a way to say you have a talent to talk in public. Labia means something like you are very good with your mouth.
These are very commom in my country, and if other Latin American's citizens from other country hear them, they wouldn't understand what we're trying to say.
Nice ones! In Netherlands, they use 'lekker' a lot! I think in the same way as your first example.
Very true, I'm from Mexico and I would not have understood these without the explanation. Very interesting, also helps me to figure out some in my own dialect.
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