I probably talk too much. I tell my friends that I pretty much have an opinion on everything - just ask me and I'll tell you! But also that my opinion is worth what you pay for it, which is nothing. :-}
Every time I go to a meeting, or some other social gathering, I tell myself this time I will listen instead of talk. But I just get so excited about ideas that the words bubble out of me! I do like listening too, and am careful not to interrupt. But things just get so interesting!
The amazing thing is that for most of my life I was so awkward and shy that I didn't feel I had anything to say that would be worth listening to. I don't even know when this changed.
( my opinion is worth what you pay for it, which is nothing. )
That line had me roaring ....
I am horrible for interrupting. I have been getting better and been making an effort to not do it but I guess I just like hearing my own voice :P
Your younger self was just saving all the talking for later :)
I made you laugh? My work here is complete...
Oh my father hated to be interrupted and who could blame him in a house full of women! He taught us not to interrupt him - if you did he would just look at you and not say another word. Not. Another. Word. It left a hole in the conversation I can tell you! And made me very careful to listen more closely.
What a great way to teach others not to interrupt.
Ok...you talk yo much...he happy ;)
What's that old saying? "Opinions are like arseholes. Everyone has one"