Oh hell, you are in Iowa. That is where most of my family lives. I spent a couple summers at my aunt and uncles in new hampton detassling corn .
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Oh hell, you are in Iowa. That is where most of my family lives. I spent a couple summers at my aunt and uncles in new hampton detassling corn .
You've gotta kidding me, right in my neck of the woods in NE Iowa. They are a member of our Northeast Iowa (Athletic) Conference when I was going to school. Yes I also detassled for many years as well. I actually missed detassling the following day after this story, lol. Small small world dday chassis, wow. Sorry @prettydorky I didn't mean to splatter your post with my comments. I actually was called out once for that. But that is a whole other story in suckiness on steemit.
Don’t mind me... I’m just sipping my cocktail, watching the show! Chat away! I have no rules for who says what where. Good luck on Asher’s curation league! I’m so far down the list! But hopefully working my way up with you chatty bishes! 😛
i use to double row so when i would go back home to arkansas after the summer i would try and explain what detassling was to a bunck of people who had never seen a corn field so i would say " ok, hold your hands up about shoulder height in front of you like a zombie. Now walk forward makinng a motion like you are jerking 2 dudes off. Boom, you are a professional detassler. lol
I detassled for an old man named Merle Mc Grain and his son Jerry. I will shit my pants if i know you. lol
hahaha this farm girl from Ontario totally knows about detasselling corn!! You guys are funny ;)
Merle McGrain? Shut up. Lol that’s a perfect Iowa corn farmers name!
I swear to god. That guy and his kid loved me because i worked like a dog. they put me in charge of a crew one year so basicly you are a slave driver walking behind the crew making them keep a certain pace. I worked 2 of them till they droped before they made me go back to being a worker. they gave me a $1 an hour raise on all my hours for the summer on my last check. They were cool as hell. His son Jerry was i guess a pretty big deal in college wrestling, he had my back in a fight i got in to out in the fields one day. I have much respect for those 2 men. I am sure the old man has passed away by now.
You are not a full blown detassler until you go to be at night, shut your eyes, and you still see rows of corn in front of you. No, I didn't make that far north dday, mainly in the Fayette/Buchanan County areas.