From Cuba here, our spanish can easily be misinterpreted in other countries:
1- Montar la guagua. In Cuba this refers to boarding a bus, however in certain latin countries, guagua = child, so it would be an NSFW act against a kid, this error is actually quite frequent.
2- Te quiero con pinga. pinga is one of the most used words in Cuba, and it can mean pretty much anything, the official translation is "dick", but it's used as superlatives, in this case it means: I like you a lot. Other examples are: Me suda la pinga or y esa pinga? the first means: I couldn't care less and the second means: what're you saying!?!?!. In most other countries pinga is just used as something small or little.
3- Coger al toro por los cuernos. "Take the bull by the horns". In spain the word coger is used all the time for describing catching or grabbing things, however in many latin countries, the word coger is slang for the act of making love.
That's it, nice contest, and so fun to see so many participants from different countries.
Pinga is a Brazilian drink. So, to me the "pinga" idioms sounded funny in a different way :P . Saying, "Te quiero con pinga," sounded as though saying something like "I want you with beer" hahaha. (well, pinga is not beer, but I think this gets the idea across)
:D, I can't believe that it's also a brazilian drink!!!!, that word as so many different meanings... today a friend was just saying that: "mis musculos me duelen con pinga". Meaning that his muscles hurt a lot due to exercise...
I like the idea of I want you with beer, it's like I want you and a beer!!! :D :D :D
Nice ones! It's funny that the same language in different countries can produce wildly different meanings!
The winners and the new round (Your Hobby) are here: