Thanks so much for stopping by all the way from Belgium with the kind words! Survivor feels a bit like a guilty pleasure, but @suitcasemama and I love it! 😎
Let me know if you want to join - you technically don't need to watch, just make a guess on who will win ;)
Warm greetings from Thailand!
I enjoy watching that show where people get married without knowing each other, so yeah talk about guilty pleasures :-) . I'll leave the contest for the ones that actually watch and follow survivor. Good luck and enjoy @eoj !
Whoa, that IS a guilty pleasure! Haha! I've never seen that show, but I can't imagine it goes well often! :)
You'd be surprised :)
Each year there is at least 1 couple that succeeds, it's the perfect combination of feel good TV for the ones that di click with some couples that don't really match which gives a lot of awkward and funny situations.
Wow, that is surprising! Well, I guess it's like a 21st century reality TV version of an arranged marriage, so yeah, I guess some of them should work! :)