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RE: Steemit Basic Income Giveaway (The Answer)

in #newbiegames6 years ago
  1. How is conciousness related to phyiscs? While we have a very clear idea what we mean with conciousness, we have no idea how it is based on the laws of nature that hold for non-living matter.
  2. How do you perceive the world? I know what red is to me. Someone else may have a very different perception of red. Just by language we agree to call the same object "red", but what we actually perceive does not need to be the same. Just being able to see the world as someone else would be extremely fascinating

Posted using Partiko Android


Your first one is also a question that has crossed my mind! How is it that a certain configuration of atoms has consciousness and "will" and the same set of configurations a moment after death does not? It is pretty weird! We don't even carry the same atoms from birth to death! How is it that we still consider ourselves the same self?

Your second one is also an interesting one, but only causes problems if we are considering absolute meanings. As long as we both point to the same thing when we say "red", it doesn't really matter if my red is your green!

Absolutely. There must be a massive part missing in current physics and there is also no clue how to learn more about it. I have a couple if ideas on this, but the big problem is that the scientific method is not suitable to answer these questions. It seems there needs to be a big shift in the paradigms of science.

For the second one, we will also cannot use science. We both call the same object red and there is nothing in the world to find out if your red is my green. But there is also no reason why it should be the same red for both of us....

I still would hold that the scientific method would still hold sway for the first question. If we can't make a falsifiable hypothesis and test it in some way, then it would be impossible to determine what sort of things are demonstrably true or just a wish? I would place my bets on unknown parts and knowledge, which will later be testable....or not, but that would remain unknown knowledge rather than a shift in being able to what would be true or not.

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